As busy summer activities and vacations wind down, Fall is an excellent time to start your “Smile Better” journey with orthodontic treatment here at True North.

Whether you are considering this because your teeth have moved over the years since you first had braces or this is your first experience with orthodontics, we have options to best suit your needs and goals.

The first step is setting a complimentary initial consultation with Dr. Hammer so that she can diagnose your orthodontic issues and create your treatment plan, determining if braces or clear aligners will be the best fit for your treatment. Oftentimes, both clear aligners and braces can be a viable option depending on what you feel may be best for your lifestyle.

Braces and aligners both work by applying gentle and consistent pressure to your teeth so they move into alignment. However, choosing braces or aligners comes down to each individual and their unique smile.

Braces are a more traditional option for moving teeth. Here at True North, Dr. Hammer uses LightForce technology to design 3D printed custom clear braces to fit your unique teeth. This ability to customize each bracket helps reduce discomfort and increase tooth movement accuracy, thereby decreasing total orthodontic treatment time. Dr. Hammer believes in investing in technology to provide her patients with the best orthodontic treatment result possible while also reducing orthodontic treatment time.

Clear aligners are a great treatment option for adults, teens and sometimes even for children benefiting from a Phase I early orthodontic treatment. Less conspicuous than metal braces and brackets, clear aligners are custom-made plastic trays that slip over a patient’s teeth. These clear aligner trays safely and comfortably move teeth to the desired position, so that you can achieve your smile goals in a way that fits your lifestyle. Patients are able to remove their aligners for short periods of time to eat, brush and floss their teeth, and for special occasions. Dr. Hammer typically recommends that patients change their aligners weekly.

Even though aligners are removeable, it is still recommended they be worn at least 22 hours per day. If you are not eating, flossing, or brushing your teeth, you should be wearing your aligners!

Are you ready to take the next step in achieving your best smile? Contact our office today to reserve your complimentary initial consultation appointment. We can’t wait to meet you!


  • Work well for almost all alignment and bite concerns
  • LightForce brackets are clear and are less noticeable than traditional braces, but still more noticeable than clear aligners
  • The contours of the backets and the orthodontic wire can initially rub on the cheeks and tongue causing discomfort until the patient adjusts to the braces. This usually take 1-2 weeks.
  • Braces are bonded to the teeth until treatment is complete and cannot be removed when eating, brushing, or flossing.
  • Hard, sticky candy and chewy foods such as taffy are not recommended during braces treatment due to the possibility of bracket breakage.
  • Braces are not removeable and are working all the time to improve your smile.


  • Work well for most, but not all orthodontic concerns.
  • Aligners are clear and made from plastic. This makes them less noticeable on teeth.
  • Clear plastic is smooth and tends to be more comfortable. There are no rubbing brackets or poking wires to adjust to.
  • Clear aligners can be removed to eat, brush, and floss. This makes maintaining excellent oral hygiene easier and eliminates dietary restrictions.
  • Clear aligners can be removed while eating.
  • Aligners are removeable and therefore require commitment from patients to wear them as much as possible to ensure smile goals are achieved.

braces Q & A


will braces hurt?

Braces do not hurt when they are bonded to the teeth, so there is no need to be nervous about the placement appointment. We will walk you through each step of the process!
There will be mild soreness or discomfort after the orthodontic wire is engaged into the newly placed brackets, which may last for a few days to a week. Most patients experience some discomfort the first 4 days to a week after their braces, expanders, and/or wires are placed and after a wire adjustment and/or an activation appointment. Your lips and cheeks may need one to two weeks to get used to the braces on your teeth. Over the counter pain relievers normally taken for headaches, like Advil and Tylenol, can be used to greatly ease the discomfort.

how often do I brush and floss braces?

Keeping your braces clean is one of the most important things you can do during your orthodontic treatment to make sure that you get the healthiest smile when it is time to remove the braces at the end of treatment! Dr. Hammer recommends brushing your braces at least three times a day.  Once in the morning, once after lunch and once before bed. When you are brushing, make sure to give yourself enough time as food and plaque can get trapped between and around your braces.  Dr. Hammer recommends brushing for at least 2 minutes every time you brush.  Set a timer or play a song on your phone to make sure that you are brushing long enough! 

Flossing is another very important step in keeping your smile healthy throughout your orthodontic journey.  Dr. Hammer recommends flossing at least once a day with floss and floss threaders.  If you would rather use a Waterpik you can!  A Waterpik is a great investment for your family and is something you can use even after braces are removed to ensure lifelong gum health.   

Take your time when you are first learning to floss with the floss threaders.  I can be very difficult when you are first learning, but the more you practice, the better you will get!